Ave, te salvere iubeo apud Romanus
Do you know when Roman boys and girls got their names and how they were composed? Have you ever heard of a bulla? Of course you know about a toga. But did you know that there were many different types of toga and which toga was worn by whom and for which occasion? A toga looks impressive in the pictures. However, it was very difficult to drape a toga properly. This was only possible with assistance, which usually came from a slave who had this task exclusively. Sounds quite complicated! Do you know what Roman citizens wore under the toga? That's right, a tunic.
Where exactly did the Limes run and who were the Germanic tribes? On our hike to the Saalburg along the Limes, we had breakfast directly on the Limes rampart. During the guided tour of Saalburg Castle, we learned that the life of a Roman soldier was anything but easy: heavy equipment, cramped quarters ... and they took on all that for 25 years! If they survived this time, however, it paid off: they received a large sum of money, were recognised as Roman citizens and were given a piece of land as a gift. To better understand the life of a Roman soldier, the pupils shot with original Roman bows and tried out the "turtle" formation. Archery was fun, but holding the heavy shields correctly and forming the formation was much more complicated!
In their free time, the Romans - whether young or old - loved to play games: Ball games or games of skill with knucklebones, nuts or stones, dice games and many more. We tried out a few of those on the playground. They went down really well.
The pupils not only learned about this theoretically, they also had a go themselves: they gave themselves Roman names, sewed the tunic with the sewing machine, made their own leather bags, braided or threaded belts, made bullas from copper foil, played games... It was an exciting and interesting week. If you want to know more about the week, click on the link below.