In 2018, when the decision had to be made whether to continue as an environmental school, we all decided that we definitely wanted to continue. So we signed up again with two projects: Project 1: Introduction and implementation of a waste separation concept at MES; Project 2: Construction of an insect nesting aid.
Suitable rubbish bins with yellow, blue and black lids were provided for all groups. The primary school pupils dealt with the topic of waste, waste avoidance and recycling. In this context, they also visited the recycling centre in Königstein. A rubbish service was introduced, which collected the rubbish containers from all groups on Fridays, checked whether they had been correctly separated and emptied them into the appropriate bins in the yard. Casa children were also involved. In addition, a composter was purchased for the outdoor area. To illustrate how compost is made, the primary school children were able to observe how earthworms transform leaves into soil by means of a worm house.
At the same time, the pupils - with the support of parents and the roofing company "Die Dachmanufaktur" from Weilrod - built an insect nesting aid with a green roof out of pallets. They shovelled, dragged, sawed, hammered, filed, drilled, sanded and worked with clay... And now, just above the wildflower meadow and next to the herb spiral (former environmental school projects), there is a nesting aid that has already been colonised by numerous wild bees. When they hatch next spring, they will find a richly laid table right outside the front door.
On 22 October 2019, the Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection presented the awards to the projects submitted at Franziskaner Gymnasium in Großkrotzenburg. There were 117 schools from Hesse in attendance. In the morning, a kind of fair took place: each school had a small information stand where they presented their projects. In the afternoon, the official award ceremony took place. The certificate was handed over by State Secretary Dr Beatrix Tappeser.
Three pupils proudly and confidently presented the projects. Posters and a litter and wild bee quiz were created. The prizes were a bag of wildflower seeds made by the pupils and home-baked biscuits. Several visitors tested their knowledge and it turned out that not all of them knew which rubbish belonged in which bin.
The information stands of the other schools, which were represented with numerous different projects, were also very interesting. We already have one or two ideas for further projects. For us it is clear that we want to continue and remain an environmental school in the future!