Film release: "The Montessori Principle

"THE MONTESSORI PRINCIPLE - THE JOY OF LEARNING FOR YOURSELF delves into the magical world of human mental autonomy that Maria Montessori first formulated 100 years ago. When filmmaker Alexandre Mourot becomes a father for the first time, a whole new set of questions comes his way. As soon as she can walk, his daughter wants to discover everything and above all - on her own and without help. There are all kinds of dangers that would make any adult break out in a cold sweat [...]" This is how the much-praised Montessori film on described. But beware - it is not an introduction to Montessori education, but puts the viewer in the role of the observer, the hospitant in the Montessori U.mgebung. From Thursday it will be shown in the Mal Seh'n Kino (6 pm each) and at the cinema Orfeos heirs (6:30 p.m. each, with guest film patron).